Hello nail art lovers! I have some more Maniology stamping plates for review. I purchased 8 plates from the Maniology website, so there will be a lot of pictures in this post. All of the plates came in protective sleeves and had a blue film. Be sure to remove the blue film before stamping or you will not be able to pick up any images. You can purchase the plates along with many other nail art items from the Maniology website here “Maniology“. There is a mix of layering and standard stamping plates. Most of the plates are fall and winter themed. All are beautiful! I stamped all of the designs on to blank white paper to be able to see them more easily. Keep reading below to find out more.
Plate M022
First up is the Fall Occasions: Friendly Forest plate. This is a standard stamping plate. All of the images stamped nicely. I especially like the leaves. There are images on this plate to tickle anyones fall fancy. Full nail and single images are included to fit any nail. There are also some images that can be used for spring such as the bunny, and the bird.
Plate M023
Second up is the Fall Occasions: Holiday Harvest plate. This plate is a layering plate with single images. I didn’t stamp every single image that this plate has. I just chose a few. These images stamped nicely as well. Layering plates are new to me, but I did have fun trying to pick colors that would work and that could be seen when layering. There are definitely images on this plate that I don’t see in other plates.
Plate M075
Third up is the Fall Layers: Harvest Blooms plate. This plate has a combination of layered and standard images. Excuse my attempts at making pretty layers! I stamped a couple images from each type of design that was on this plate. All of the images stamped nicely. With the variety of images, this can be a year round plate not just fall.
Plate M076
Fourth up is the Fall Layers: Cozy Campsite plate. This plate is mostly layered images but there are a couple of standard images. There are full nail and single images too. I really like the image of the trees that are shaped like a coyote or fox. How neat is that?! All of these images stamped nicely.
Plate M079
Fifth in line is the New Year Cheer plate. This plate contains standard images. There is a mix of full nail and single images. Although this is called a New Years plate, many of the images can be used for other occasions, such as the 4th of July or a party. All of the images stamped nicely.
Sixth plate up is Winter Layers: Christmas Lights. This is a layering plate with full nail images. The ornaments are very pretty and remind me of ornaments I would see on my grandparents tree. This would be a good plate for painting each ornament or light a different color if you wanted to. As usual, all of the images stamped nicely.
Seventh up is the Chic Peek: Heart of Stone plate. This is a standard plate with all full nail images. I was really excited to get this plate. A marbled nail look is pretty and this is an easy way to achieve it. I have yet to use it, but I will soon. All of the images stamped nicely.
Last up is the Winter Kingdom: Snowflakes Galore plate. This is a standard plate with mostly single images but there are a couple of full nail designs. I love how the snowflakes look like hanging jewels or icicles. I did use this plate in my “Blue Winter Nails“. All of the images stamped nicely.
How I store my plates

All of my plates are stored in the MoYou London Collector Plate Holder. I purchased this from the MoYou London UK website several years ago. The Maniology plates fix wonderfully in here. They are the same size as the MoYou plates. When you first put the plates in, they are really snug but that is good because you wouldn’t want them falling out. You could use the protective sleeve they come in to store them as well. They do have a see through window that allows you to see the plate.
My Thoughts
I really like the Maniology plates. They are good quality plates. The etching is nice and deep so the images all stamped nicely. The backing on the plates is good quality as well. I prefer to clean my plates with acetone and the backing on the plates is not affected whatsoever. I have a couple of cheap plates that the acetone just melts the backing. The assortment of plates that Maniology offers is something that I really like. They have plates to fit anyones interests. I do want to get my hands on some more of their stamping polishes and test them out. So hopefully that will be in the near future. What did you think of this post? I hope you enjoyed it.
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Thanks for finally writing about Maniology Stamping Plates
Review – Loved it!
I wish I could get the chic peek plate but my mom doesn’t like the word ‘chic’ as it usually refers to girls I think..anyways I’m to scared to ask her if I can get it oof. I have three other maniology plates tho that’s I luv 😀