Today I’m doing a review of the UR Sugar Potted Gels. This is the yellow series. There are 12 colors in each of the collections. I have 9 of the 12 colors for review. There are many places you can purchase these, but here’s the link to the Born Pretty website. “UR Sugar Yellow Series”
A001, A002 & A004
First I have colors A001, A002 and A004. As the pictures show, the color on the lids are not always indicative of the color inside the pot. I thought that A001 was going to be a lime yellow but it was not. It is a light yellow. I used 3 thin coats and it was still a little patchy. A002 reminds me of an egg yolk yellow. I used 3 thin coats and it was a little patchy as well. A004 is similar but brighter than A001 and only took 2 thin coats. They are a thin consistency, so i’m sure you can do a thin first coat, then a second thicker coat to get full opacity.
Next I have colors A005 through A007. All of these were swatched in 2 thin coats. A005 has a lot of green in it. This color reminds me of split pea soup and is one of the stand outs amongst these colors. A006 is so similar to A002 that they just might be the same color. The only difference is that A006 I did in 2 coats which may have been my application. A007 is a bright mid-toned golden yellow.
A008, A011 & A012
Finally I have A008, A011 and A012. All of these were swatched in 2 thin coats. A008 is similar to A007, just a little less orange tone to it. A011 is a very pale yellow. It’s the lightest of this collection. A012 is a pale peach and is a stand out in this series. The color in the gel pot is a lot darker than how it applied.
My Thoughts
I think for the price point of these gels, who could complain. They all have a thin consistency, but they applied easily and cured in 30 seconds in my lamp. I recommend giving each pot a stir before applying. I don’t think every color is needed in this series. Most of them are different colors, even if it’s an ever so subtle variation. With that being said, I think there are a few stand out or staple colors. A005 because of the green in it, A008 because it’s a middle of the pack bright yellow, A011 because it’s a pale yellow and A012 because it’s a pale peach. What are your thoughts?
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